Terms of Service and Use
You are responsible for any action taken while using this game. If your action violates any federal law in the country where you reside, you will be responsible and accountable for your action. You must use this game according to the rules and regulations imposed by the administrators. Any violation of these rules will result in a punishment. We have a full right to deny access to our game at any time and for the reason we deem appropriate and you must accept these terms and the rules to use this game. The administrator can ban a player from our server if he deems it necessary even if he is a collaborator or donor to receive cash. The fact that the player has donated to receive cash does not give him the right to violate any of the server rules and will be subject to the appropriate punishments like any other player. Cash is given to the player as a gift for their donation. RoseOnBr and its administrators have no obligation to return the donation for any reason. The donation is optional and non-refundable, even if the game ends. If any information is removed from this game for any company or entity, you are in violation of the accepted terms of use for using this game.
Personal Use Notice
Accepting the terms and rules of use you are welcome to our game. By installing NewRose Online on your computer, you will be accepting the terms of use and rules of conduct determined by the NewRose Online administrator who is on our website. The installation and use of this game is entirely your responsibility, and you are legally responsible for this action.
All brands that may be used in this game, are owned by their respective owners. Create my account